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Meme Text (Scanned From Meme)

Today at 9:04 AM Omg I'm dead I just want to die rn My friends and I were researching selling poop for money and then IT had to remote into my computer and I forgot the tab up He kept fighting me for the cursor and wouldn't let me close the browser My friends and I were researching selling poop for money and then IT had to remote into my computer and I forgot Today at 12:18 PM OMG Today at 12:18 PM That is really something NEW MESSAGES Today at 12:20 PM After he was done updating my software he left me the biggest smile in teams chat Today at 12:21 PM GOOG Bro

Size: 125.1 KiB
MD5 Hash: 506b897e5ea0f9ae81b17db304698e91