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Meme Text (Scanned From Meme)

TikTok @ buffalobills Lateral speed trajectory for stationar St (2) t = % Yeak F No + v, (st) + ½9(40)2 (4) Yend = Yo + Vyt + % gt? (5) g = - 4(30-2y peak + Yend) 2 - (3* Yo-4y peak + Yend) (6) vy = (7) ° = (S, vy) with gravity g ViKTO C cuice D Google 2 Yards to X O yards to meters © yards to conversion 3 yards to feet 2 yards to miles 2 yards to inches 2 yards to tons 2 yards to feet conversion 2 yards to square feet 3 yards to miles conversion 2 yards to meters conversion Google Search I'm Feeling Lucky Report inappropriate predictiona TIKTO @auticeal RESULTS 1st Solution 72.36317 57.22848 44.28691 TiKTR @ buffalo b 62.15704

Size: 10.8 MiB
MD5 Hash: 4c470a0ce2320f02eac2c27551f9e1a1