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Rata C @RANK10YGO seem to have inadvertently started a cultural movement. Sorry vigili On April 2nd, 2022, Twitter user @Rank10YGO'1 posted, "the best part of Morbius was when he said 'IT'S MORBIN' TIME' and morbed all over those guys," ainment gaining over 11,000 retweets and 121,000 likes in one month. The line is a play on the Power Rangers catchphrase "It's Morhpin' Time (also attributed to *it's clobberin' time* said by The Thing in the Fantastic 4 series) and is not actually said by Morbius in the film. Iweets Rata PRANKIOYGO the best part of Morbius was when he said "IT'S MORBIN' TIME" and morbed all over those guys Rata @RANK10YGO • Apr 2 the best part of Morbius was when he said "IT'S MORBIN' TIME" and morbed all over those guys 7:29 AM May 23, 2022 • Twitter for Android

Size: 54.4 KiB
MD5 Hash: c0f2cc674c14f17d44751d5647648b7d