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OPERATION OVERLORD: FINAL PHASE tumblr. WE SHALL FINALLY TAKE DOWN TUMBLR Our attacks and fear campaigns have been working quite excellently so far. Tumblr has had it too good for too long and now they are finally regretting their cancerous ways. We are trolling them hard. Now have just have to finally end it all and declare victory. WHAT DO WE DO HAVE TO DO? Commence our final attack. It will be simple. We DDoS them with an LOIC flood. Download it here: Tutorial: On November 14th, at 5 PM Eastern Time we point our LOICs at Tumblr. Their IP Address is: Use LOIC and flood Tumblr as much as possible, do not give up. If we get enough at the same at time, the site WILL go down. This entire operation will require a group effort, so repost this and DDoS as much as possible. It's time to finally these sons of bitches down... WE CAN DO IT. WE ARE ANONYMOUS. WE ARE LEGION! NOW GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND DOS TUMBLR! YOU DON'T NEED A PROXY FOR LOIC, DON'T WORRY. THIS IS THE FINAL PHASE, WE WILL WIN THIS!

Size: 69.2 KiB
MD5 Hash: 8f9ec4ad5604a7dbd5d68b6846eacf92