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OPERATION: BLACK RAGE The corporate slut that is Hot Topic has now decided that memes are O be the latest cool HERE'S WHAT YOU CAN DO: thing amoungst 13 year old emo consumer whores. FFFUUUUUUU is now a racist meme. and so are now selling FFFUUUUUUUt-shirts. Make as many racist rage comics as you can. This is only the beginning, if this is allowed to Start sending them to sensationalist news continue then it'll only be a matter of time until b/ starts getting raped of every meme to be turned tO into outlets as an example of the disgusting racism of Hot Topic. the next I Can Has Cheezburger? Encourage a boycot of Hot Topic until they And before long? /b/ will die. are forced to remove the t-shirt from the shelves. SUCCESS! Everyone learns a valuble lesson. stays the fuck away from trying to sell memes. Faux News might be a good place to start: Newsroom: [email protected] Non-US: [email protected] Phone: 1-888-369-4762 Never forgive. Never forget...

Size: 582.3 KiB
MD5 Hash: 6cadc76d0298dab9494c8955114da5c7