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Meme Text (Scanned From Meme)

ollosville: I oppa-homeless-style: feazelbal: mszarves: working-class-clown: rosemary-the-skunk: trilllizard688: snoopingasusualisee: not-semi-perfect: snoopingasusualisee: trillizard686: before talkin shit on straight men maybe try talking to some for a period of more than five minutes at a time cause all y'all treat straight men on this website like incels treat women Kung pow penis What did that add to the convo. KUNA PALC Penis 'm going to block everyone that reblogs this version of this post from snoopingasusualisee that i find, fyi kung pow penis kung pow penis kung pow penis kung pow penis kung pow penis kung pow penis kung pow penis

Size: 43.5 KiB
MD5 Hash: ce4cbb620b8f3e2d04efb344e65abf01