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L Anonyin o us 06/26/11 (Sun) 18.04,54 No 337007282 I recently bought a 18-hole stainless set for $850 € 1 Craigslist, the holes were i condition. Anonymous 06/28/11 (Sun) 18:05:21 No. 337007361 F401309125921 j00-(314 KB, 1024x1024, 1308061178313 Jpg) 22332007.190 L Anonymous 06/26/11 (Sun)18.05:32 No. 337007389 I cant wait to get off of work My brand new Schumann- Kose custom single hale should be wating for met I had it made of bipodwood (outer carcas) and ash (inner skeleton) with a besseful purple heart and curly maple intay, I know that I went overboaed, but I saved for the better part of a year and I got QUITE a deal. They even theewin ) starless mechanics when 1 or ro-fiction bearings woven Veneselin digs shrood. I that biech is there when Lost home, Tm cating out sick Spe the rest of the weeks El Anonymous 06/25/11 (Sun) 18.05:43 No. 337007 408 HO-0-PRAVUURRR WUTS A FANGER BOX E Anonymous 05/25/11 (Sun) 18.05.03 No.337007461 2>337007292 heard you cold us a with up to two friends, is that true ? Anonymous 08/25/11 (Sun)18.06/30 No.337007521 got a custom made oak tree finger box with silver plating on the edges and my initials on the bottom shit cost me almost 1600 dollars but Ives had it for 6 years and its still in great constion For all those who are new to finger 1s, I suggest getting a for practicing, you can pretty much get it at any dollar store E Anonymous 06/25/11 (Sun) 18.06:39 No. 337007537 Dude I would 0o v stainless steel if 1 were you O more, but trust me in the long run a wit top any wooden piece of shit.

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