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Hot Topic 3 Like Wall Info Harry Potter SCVNGR YouTube Notes Hot Topic Others Just Hot Topic Just Others 401 Hot Topic Rage Guy is the character Hot Topic sells, see the original post X from 1 year ago. The character focuses on interesting situations, check out the TOPIC image gallery. Race Guy is the newest iteration posted this afternoon, today (the character everyone is talking about). Who created Race Guy? We don't know. Who created Rage Guy? We don't know. We sold the shirt because it is pop culture and the series was funny. Why not let our customers express they're interest in meme's? 50 now what? Well, Hot Topic is the last company to support racism. Hell, we support diversity and wear it proudly. Now that the character represents racism because of these unknown creators - we will no longer be selling it. After tonight (11/17), it will be removed from our website. Next week, it will be removed from our stores.
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