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File: 1334635989.j99-(25 KB, 500x403, fnger-in-box.jpa) Anonymous (ID: b66YLHP) 04/17/12(Tue)00 29.49 No. 393910220 What does /b/ think of my new fingerbox? L Anonymous (10: C1nF71F m) 04/17/12(Tue)00.31:30 No 393910552 damn man great finger box wish i had one too. Anonymous (O: yHYw0SQ) 04/17/12(Tue)00.32: 39 No. 393910815 whats an finger box Anonymous (10. Qsts7FOA) 04/17/12(Tue)00.33: 14 No. 393910961 Fm not a fan of the small size, since I have large fingers, however, my giffriend always gets so wet when she uses her little one. (Like yours.) Anonymous bff/cow) 04/17/12 Tue /00.30.55 No. 3939111.32 LMAO, you poortag you took a pic of a paper box if you a ingerbox don't pretend you can. and before you ask, i have the FE-12. the 84 model, not the 91 remake Anonymous (1D: MKFy0+Xp) 04/17/12(Tue)00.30.57 No 393911143 File: 1334637237 c0-(114 KB. 700x466, 691 gavel jog) >>190910815 newfag detected

Size: 261.2 KiB
MD5 Hash: 4a7c7d5766820cbdbfb6b60ee3af9839