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En Pages Chris Brock Sometimes: just want to copy someone else's status, word for word, and see if they notice. 21 Groups 21 seconds ago Applications (Eu Events Alecia Holland Sometimes I just want to copy someone elses status and see i they notice..... b Web Results 3 seconds ago 8 Posts by Friends Manuel Penaloza Sometimes just want to copy someone else's status, word E Posts by Everyone for word, and see if they notice. about a minute ago a3 Manuel Penaloza likes this. Aj Smith Sometimes just want to copy someone else's status, word for word, and see if they notice. about a minute ago Joseph Wiseman Sometimes, I just want to copy someone else's status word for word just to see if they notice.... about a minute ago Conan Coco Crothers Sometimes : just want to copy someone else's status, word for word, and see if they notice 2 minutes ago Prerit Nayak Sometimes , just want to copy someone else's status word for word just to see if they notice... 2 minutes ago 2 Shafeeg Ansari lIkes this. Howard Schlunder Sometimes just want to copy someone else's status, word for word, and see if they notice. 2 minutes ago Travis Knipping Sometimes, I want to just copy someone else's status word for word just to see if they would notice.. 2 minutes ago Lawrence 0'Toole Hall Jr. Sometimes just want to copy someone else's status, word for word, and see if they notice.

Size: 551.5 KiB
MD5 Hash: d4c7e10d25ef8a7b5f6cee978c96b051