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Meme Text (Scanned From Meme)

Ede Lover Filter Select Toot Wisdow 41 . No Cocon rodet Unceled Untitled Untied Layer Costy 100 % 3 notect Alpha E Cicona C 74 NOMAA Layer3 truth free Lwe? 0 SNARE 2 1a truth Control Layer 12 Ca LaverO zablizer, Use dobal settings cY P D nerO I 2 R Degree 17.1 Pm 10 Penci 15 Ron (Fade In Out) 1 85 Eraser 0 1779 Shotch 900 0 2000 * 25/01 picel (85 • 10.6cm). 600 dal €6% (970.1590) E O Type here to search O Ri A 0044 A 955 PM 12/5/2020

Size: 46.6 KiB
MD5 Hash: 7348143a1c75ad44b56234f1e9e87f7a