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DeG NEWS BBC News (World) @BBCWorld US Supreme Court strikes down abortion rights RO-LIFE What Ober OR THE Wolf are BAD Rights Win LO ERICA TAKE AN Ag ONS? B B C NEWS Roe v Wade: US Supreme Court strikes down abortion rights Millions of women lose the legal right to abortion after the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade. 5:00 PM • Jun 24, 2022 V 282 • Reply S Copy link to Tweet Read 94 replies Reuters Legal O REUTERS @ReutersLegal 'U.S. Supreme Court expands gun rights, strikes down New York law' REUTERS Supreme Cot Case: Ruling: Two firearms owners and the New York The 6:3 ruling, with the court's affiliate of the National Rifle Association onservative justices i challenged the state's restrictions on SANDY CATE LI majority and liberal justices in dissent, found that the carrying concealed handguns in public. stato's law, enacted in 1913, violated a person's right to "keep and bear arms' under the Second Amendment. US national news U.S. Supreme Court expands gun rights, strikes down New York law 5:00 PM • Jun 23, 2022 21 9 Reply Copy link to Tweet Read 6 replies

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