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Count Chocula is a homosexual vampire character and he promotes the gay agenda! 11 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view. >> D Anonymous 01/23/06(Mon)11:25 No.4518496 File: 1138033538.jps-(67 KB, 483x737) >>4518472 You fill men's bowls and make hem your consumer base. >> O Blue Wizard !WaHa/0gPHI 01/23/06(Mon) 11:27 No.4518514 >>4518496 PERHAPS THE SAME COULD BE SAID OF ALL CONSUMEABLES >> 0 Anonymous 01/23/06(Von)11:29 No.4518535 â¥>4518514 Your words are as empty as your bowl. Mankind ill needs a cereal such as you! > L Blue Wizard !WaHa/0qPHI 01/23/06(Mon) 11:32 No.4518569 224518535 WHAT IS A BOWL!? A MISERABLE LITTLE PILE OF CERAMIC! BUT ENOUGH TALK, HAVE AT THIS PART OF A COMPLETE BREAKFAST! >> L orgman !B6wOlhIU1.!!uNDiqtLiD5 g 01/23/06(Mon)11:39 No.4518634 damn i was late for this thread carry on
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