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Anonymous 10/05/16(Wed)22:53:29 No.56933906 ›using linux in front of class mates ›teacher says "Ok students, now open photoshop' ›start furiously typing away at 88 KB JPG terminal to install Wine >Errors out the ass Everyone else has already started their classwork >I start to sweat »Install GIMP ›Umm.. what the fuck is THAT anon?" a girl next to me asks >I tell her its GIMP and can do everything that photoshop does and IT'S FREE! >"Ok class, now draw use the shape tool to draw a circle!" the teacher says >I fucking break down and cry and run out of the class >1 get beat up in the parking lot after school 2256933921 # ≥≥56933980 # ≥≥56934022 # >>56934086 # ≥>56934109 # >>56934178 # >>56934188 # >>56934220 # >>56934403 # >256935046 # ≥>56935239 # >≥56935476 # >>56935492 # ≥>56935577 # >>56935904 # >>56936287 # >>56936810 # >≥56937107 # ≥≥56937142 # >>56942340 # >>56942658 # >256949091 # >>56950097 # ≥>56959649 # >56960132 #

Size: 88.1 KiB
MD5 Hash: ed7ab6265e2e99b5f8cd313b01dfd6e0