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Anonymous 05/02/17(Tue)14:01:16 No. 375740268 E > >>375740567 >>375740708 >>375740978 >>375741359 >>375741879 >>375742045 >>375742352 >>375742887 >>375743042 >>375743135 >>375743367 >>375744018 >>375744185 >>375744501 >>375745671 >>375746356 >>375756006 >>375756568 >>375757853 >>375758431 >>375763623 Hey there anon! What are you playing today? Mind if I come in and take a look at your steam Library? D Anonymous 05/02/17(Tue)14:04:57 No.375740567 » >>375740902 >>375741909 >>375743373 ≥>375740268 (OP) Look, I torrented your game when it came out and didn't like it very much. Please leave me alone. Anonymous 05/02/17(Tue)14:08:52 No. 375740902 ÷ >>375741241 >>375744639 1493618065452 png4 (1.07 MB, 704x396) google yandex iqdb wait 23757.40567. What was that? Did you say you torrented my game? Let me in right now. Anonymous 05/02/17(Tue)14:12:38 No. 375741241 ÷ >>375741369 >>375743373 >>375740902 THE GAME CAME OUT 6 YEARS AGO TODD YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. I'LL NEVER BUY YOUR SHITTY GAME Anonymous 05/02/17(Tue)14:13:57 No.375741369 > >>375741676 1493626787208 jpg 2 (94 KB, 320x300) google vandex iadb wait 22375741241 THIS DOOR CANNOT PROTECT YOU. YOU WILL BUY MY GAME

Size: 580.3 KiB
MD5 Hash: d68272ed74121a91783d6b67c969e595