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Anonymous 03/31/21(Wed)08:19:24 No.62989509 OFFing myself right now. Goodbye 4chan. »broke uni student ›mother is meth head >dad is pedo ›snooped through my younger 985 KB JPG sisters internet history and found tranny porn >gf left me just 1 week ago ›been drinking nonstop >grades are collapsing Thank you all for the amazing memories, I've treasured them. And thank you for always being my favorite board. 23 Replies / 3 Images View Thread Anonymous 03/31/21 (Wed)10:44:21 No.62990863 Bro I feel you... Could you maybe help a bro out and buy me gta3 on steam? I know you won't be needing that money after you die right?

Size: 80.9 KiB
MD5 Hash: e914fc1a6099789fd6e31a7e7e742b08