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(t] Tumblr Omegle © * C Acer & Blackboard Those Who Suppres... 63 FOR EY ( Other bookmarks omegle Talk to strangers! You: what is air? Stranger: its a state of matter ally You: oh Straightforward Stranger: whats going on in your corner of the world You: well, High Interest Savings Account You: a lot of reblogging is going on. Stranger: hmmm 2.00 TOREST You: it's starting to get out of control! RATE Stranger: anything interesting you wish to mention call 1-866-247-ALLY You: there really isn't much else get the facts You: ... what else is there? Stranger: nyc here Your conversational partner has disconnected. Start a new conversation or switch to video or send us feedback Was this conversation great? Download the log! New Send bitterandclean

Size: 139.8 KiB
MD5 Hash: 8cda6b135c29a77d467f7e6dfa632588