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Meme Text (Scanned From Meme)

4chan You are banned! You have been banned from all boards for the following reason: "what is air" raid - btw we at Team 4chan love tumblr <3 .- p.s. we'll be doing what we (9) can to stop any tumbir raid threads Your ban was filed on November 14th, 2010, and expires on November 15th, 2010, which is 1 day from now. According to our server, your IP is: The name you were posting with was Anonymous. Because of the short length of your ban, you are not permitted to appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired. BANNED! Home News FAQ Rules Tools Advertise Press B248 About • Contact Copyright © 2009-2010 4chan. All rights reserved.

Size: 608.9 KiB
MD5 Hash: 490b79edb1928e111a4bccb706b1ad32