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2580 What are YOU a snob about? a (self. AskReddit) submitted 6 hours ago by missmoneypennymaam G 6282 comments (246 new) source share save hide give gold report hide aIl child comments sorted by: best navigate by:submitter moderator friend me admin | highlighted | tagged | gilded lAmA images videos popular new you are viewing a single comment's thread. view the rest of the comments A [-] narwhalninja11 ⬠674 points hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago) Medieval siege engines. If it can't launch a 90 kg projectile a distance of over 300 meters then it just doesn't cut it. permalink source embed save save-RES report give gold reply hide child comments [-] AGoofierGoober ⬠167 points hours ago Anything without a counterweight and you may as well be flicking peas out of a spoon. permalink source embed save save-RES parent report give gold reply
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